I'm adding sweatshirts now, to my store, since, in some parts of the country, it's getting cooler now. This cold weather makes me think of Christmas! How about you? What will you get your grandparents for Christmas? Shop here.
The Nana Pink Shirt. Yes, I know it is only September. Some very organized people shop this early. I've always wanted to be one of them, but sadly, I'm not.
If you don't see your grandparent's name here, look at our shop. We have tons of names. If you need a different one, post a comment on this blog and I'll make it for you.
In honor of my nephew who was born this morning, here are some of the baby items that I have in my store. He has a couple of these! (Not the drama queen one!)
I can design something for your grandparent this Christmas! Leave comments on this blog and I will personalize an item for you. Visit my store at CafePress.